
Thursday, November 18, 2021

All The Latest and Major Updates on Google Algorithms in 2021



In our world, with each passing day, something gets outdated, out-casted. A concept or object will be hot right now, and within a short time, it will be thrown into the garbage can.

With the ever-changing technology, Google needs to constantly modify its algorithms to deliver its users' most accurate and relevant results. Every algorithm update is designed to enhance the user experience and make it easier to find the information as fast as possible.

Let's review the latest algorithm of Google. Changes are to be released in 2021.

  • Passage Ranking

The Passage Ranking Update was launched on February 10th, 2021. Google has now implemented an artificial intelligence technique to index websites and individual paragraphs and sentences on these pages, which means that particular passages may appear as the featured excerpt. This update's objective is to provide quick answers to any specific query instead of having the user navigate various web pages.

  • About this Result:

This result update was released in February 2021. Google gives additional information to search results to help users decide the most valuable results for them.

About Us Box shares:

  • The date that the website's page became the first to get indexed by Google

  • The connection you make to the website, whether or not it's secure

  • The terms you looked up appear at the top of the page

  • Other websites using similar search terms are linked directly to this page

  • The language used by the page

  • If the search seems relevant to this particular search across many regions

  • If you own a Wikipedia reference that you have, it will display an explanation from the Wikipedia page

The "About this result" box does not affect your rank. However, it provides you with information about the page.

Google Algorithms Update 2021 about this result


  • Full Mobile-First Index Update

Google has put forth an effort to provide exact results from searches created on mobile devices and give priority to rankings by the websites that are the most effective in mobile phones.

We must understand the context to understand the significance of this change fully. Google began putting more weight on mobile-friendliness to determine to rank in 2015. In 2018 The Speed Update took place where mobile speed was an important factor in ranking.

On July 1st, 2019, mobile-first indexing was made the standard on all newly launched websites (which signifies that Google will mainly utilize a mobile-friendly version of your website's content to index and rank) and, in march 2021, this changed to be the default for all websites - old as well as new.

How can you optimize your site for mobile-first indexing?

  • Be sure that your website has been made accessible by Google.

  • Be sure that you have the same content for mobile and desktop.

  • Check your structured data.

  • Follow Google's guidelines.

  • Keep an eye on mobile-related issues.

  • Product Reviews Update

Google announced that it would be publishing its Product Reviews algorithm update on April 8th, 2021. The purpose of the algorithm update was to encourage "product reviews that contain deep research, insightful analysis and original content" rather than content that summarises a variety of products.

Instead of looking at the sales aspect, include a review, which is solely informational and can be beneficial to your audience when making a purchase.

The example below shows the way two websites have provided their customers' reviews.

Google Algorithms Update 2021- Product Reviews Update A

  1. The content is solely targeted at attracting sales.

Google Algorithms Update 2021- Product Reviews Update B

  1. The information is strictly informative in nature.

  • MUM (Multitask Unified Model) Update

Google's MUM update, which was released in June 2021. It is designed to meet the needs of modern demand for online search, using an AI algorithm to enhance internet search capabilities. Google can now comprehend 75 languages and provide solutions that do not rely on textual content but also on interpreting videos, images, and podcasts.

MUM gives users the most complete and holistic search experience that can answer the most complicated questions.


Instead of looking:

"When is the best time to travel to Europe?" then

"What destinations in Europe provide the most thrilling adventure? ," then

"Whether I should plan a leisure or an adventure trip to Europe?"

You can search;

"I wish to travel to Europe during July, for leisure purposes; do I have any options for an adventure trip as well?" and then learn everything in one go.

  • Link Spam Update

Google announced the release of their latest algorithm update, Link Spam Update, on July 26th, 2021. The algorithm update is focused on identifying and eliminating fake link spam.

Links spam alerts concentrate on three aspects: affiliate links, paid links, and sponsored guest posts.

Tips to guard the website against spammers

  • Update your website's SSL certificate.

  • Utilize Google Search Console for security issues and manual action reports.

  • Clean-up regularly of suspected spam activities like multiple requests coming via an IP.

  • Utilize the index to stop Google from indexing pages with low trust and mark them as non-follow.

  • Page Experience Update

On June 16th, 2021, Google launched the Page Experience Update. The update aims to give users a better experience by focusing on websites with superior page performance, including fast load times, non-shifting, and a stable web page. Since 2010, Google has always had some Page Experience metrics, however with the 2021 page experience update, they have introduced new metrics to measure speed and overall experience.

The new metrics are referred to as Core Web Vitals.

Core Web Vitals Includes:

  • The largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is The speed at which the main content on the web page load.

  • First Input Delay (FID) is the speed at which web pages respond to the user's initial action to the web page.

  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is how solid the website page's design is (i.e., elements don't unexpectedly change layouts).

  • Page Title Update

On August 24th, 2021, Google announced that it had unveiled a brand new system, Title Update. Title Update will concentrate on accurately describing what an article is about instead of adjusting to the question asked by the user. Before, developers of websites formulated the headlines and ensured their accuracy to reflect both the company's brand and the content of the page.

But, the modification has not received the best reception as it permits Google to ignore the title tags on pages if it finds that they are not correctly displaying the page's contents, which has led to severe problems for a large number of web admins. The update will consider the primary headline (H1) as well as the other headings of the page, text within the body, and other internal link text.

Google constantly changes the algorithm it uses to better assist the user with the information they require. As web admins, you should create high-quality content and improve the technical aspects of your site. It is also essential to review your site regularly and keep track of your data analysis to analyze your site and adhere to the most current practices.


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